Supporting children and adults with dyslexia as well as their families.
Raising awareness of dyslexia locally and nationally.
Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association

Saturday School
25 years of specialist dyslexic tuition in Oxfordshire
We have now resumed Saturday School classes at the Oxford Spires Academy in Cowley. We are starting slowly, to keep everyone as safe as possible. We hope to be expanding provision as soon as safe to do so
Who is the tuition scheme for?
School-aged dyslexic children.
How does the Scheme work?
Saturday classes are held in term time, excluding half-term, between 9.15 am and 12.30 pm
Held at Oxford Spires Academy, OX4 2AU
One hour lessons taught by specialist teachers
Two children, whom we match for similar abilities, receive instruction together
The fee is £20.00 per pupil per lesson – payable to the teacher half-termly in advance (usually £120 for a 6-week half-term). A small number of grants are available from the association to meet part of the fees. The grants are restricted to those on income support or in special circumstances.
Can my child join at any time?
Yes. As long as there is a vacancy we welcome new pupils at any time. If we are full, we operate a waiting list.
Do I need to inform my child’s school?
We would encourage you to inform your child’s school that you are applying for your child to receive special tuition.
I am interested, what should I do next?
Before applying, we ask you to arrange an appointment (by emailing Saturday.Tuition@gmail.com) for you and your child to visit us on a Saturday morning in term time. This will help you decide if our scheme is for you.
If you then decide that you would like your child assessed with a view to joining the scheme, please get in touch: Saturday.Tuition@gmail.com
Please note that families of children offered a place on the Scheme must be (or become) members of the Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association. This is a good way to keep in touch with other families with dyslexic children and to follow our local initiatives.