Supporting children and adults with dyslexia as well as their families.
Raising awareness of dyslexia locally and nationally.
Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association
Useful links and documents for children and adults
On this page you'll find general useful links.
For specific links and documents for parents and guardians, adults and teachers please click on the links to the right
General Information and links
British Dyslexia Association: www.bdadyslexia.org.uk
Dyslexia Action: www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk
Neurodiversity in the Modern Workplace
Neurodiversity in the Modern Workplace: https://www.helloezra.com/neurodiversity-modern-workplace
It provides an overview of the benefits and challenges of a neurodiverse workforce, as well as guidance on supporting neurodiverse employees. And also offers powerful insights such as:
Neurodiversity’s associated challenges have long been the focus of modern organizations, but benefits have not been widely appreciated.
Forward-thinking companies have embraced neurodiversity. For example, JP Morgan Chase has an “Autism at Work” scheme to find top tech talent.
The UK legislated the Disability Discrimination Act in 1995, which makes it illegal to discriminate against an employee or potential employee based on their disability, whether hidden or visible. However, the US has less rigorous disabilities legislation – there’s currently no protection for conditions like autism.
Traditional interview formats intimidate many neurodiverse applicants. Hiring managers can help by giving applicants a clear description of what the interview will entail beforehand.
Our research found that:
Only 19.3% of people with disabilities in the US are employed and working.
81% of adults with autism are either unemployed or underemployed.
People with dyslexia have high levels of creativity, likely due to the amount of time and dedication it takes for them to explore new methods of learning.
The Codpast
The Codpast: thecodpast.org
The Codpast is a fresh and contemporary online publication for students and adults with Dyslexia. If you’re looking for up to the minute news and views on technology, study skills, employment, events and entertainment; we’ve got it covered. Check out our videos, podcasts and articles or subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you never miss another piece of our content.
Dyslexia Talk (dysTalk) www.dystalk.com
Davis Learning Foundation, which is a licensed affiliate of the Davis
One Little Dyslexic
One Little Dyslexic represents the research of Lois MacCullagh. A goldmine of hints and tips for studying techniques for dyslexics.
Dyslexia Research Trust: www.dyslexic.org.uk
The Dyslexia Research Trust was set up by Professor John Stein and Dr Sue Fowler at Oxford University to fund cutting edge interdisciplinary research into dyslexia and other related conditions and to support free clinics to assess and assist people with these conditions. Below is a presentation from John about the Magnocellular Theory of Dyslexia.
‘Wobbles, Warbles & Fish’ - the Magnocellular Theory of Dyslexia
For a full set of information sheets on adult dyslexia: www.workingwithdyslexia.com
Bristol Dyslexia Centre: www.dyslexiacentre.co.uk
Bristol Dyslexia Centre is an independent teaching and assessment centre for people of all ages. It takes students from over 100 different schools, colleges and universities in Bristol and surrounding areas.
Root Experience
Root Experience: http://www.rootexperience.org/
The Root Experience brings people together with invisible disabilities for discussion groups, creative workshops and conversation. Their Hidden Stories project will turn people’s written testimonials into an accessible graphic novel which will be taken on a roadshow to help people understand what it’s like to live with a hidden disability.
To find out more about their Hidden Stories project click on the link below.
Information about Root Experience
The Studying With Dyslexia Blog
The Studying With Dyslexia Blog: https://studyingwithdyslexiablog.co.uk/
The Studying With Dyslexia Blog is a blog by John Hicks a Dyslexia Blogger’ is a parent, an assistive technology advocate and works with neurodiverse clients to help develop their self-esteem, confidence and motivation. John’s aim to provide articles that are useful and meaningful enough so as to empower you to help your dyslexic learner be the best that they can be.
Dyslexia at Oxford
Dyslexia at Oxford - Trailer - YouTube
Dyslexia at Oxford is a visual film and photography project that weaves together the stories of 24 people to nuance the narrative around dyslexia, exploring the strengths and challenges of having different brain wiring. The conversations are with students, alumni, staff, tutors, and researchers at both The University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University and members of the local community. The partner for the project is The University of Oxford’s Disability Service and it is being supported by TORCH, The Oxford Research Center for the Humanities.
Membership of the ODA means you are helping to support the work we do as well as being part of our community. You will be invited to talks, receive our newsletter, be kept up to date about any other events and news and be invited to the ODA AGM.
Parents and guardians of children at Saturday School need to be members of the ODA.
Links to other websites do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association of any products, services, policies or opinions of the organisation or individual managing or maintaining that site. Although every care is taken, Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association cannot be liable for any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information in its website.
Here you will find our policies.
Just click on the links.
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