Supporting children and adults with dyslexia as well as their families.
Raising awareness of dyslexia locally and nationally.
Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association
Would you like to volunteer with the ODA? Perhaps you are between jobs, or you would like to improve your skills, or you want to share some skills you already have. We would love to hear from you. We have vacancies in the following areas:
trustee committee membership
events organisation
website and social media development
general administration.
Please contact us on 07806 451543 and see if there's a role for you on our friendly team.

Membership of the ODA means you are helping to support the work we do as well as being part of our community. You will be invited to talks, recieve our newsletter, be kept up to date about any other events and news and be invited to the ODA AGM.
Parents and guardians of children at Saturday School need to be memebers of the ODA.

Where does our funding come from?
Most of our income comes from donations from charitable trusts and individuals who have a personal interest in dyslexia. A smaller fraction comes from membership subscriptions to the Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association.
How do we spend it?
Our biggest project is Saturday School, which has been running in Oxford for over 20 years. We provide tuition for beteen 40 and 50 children every week with qualified, experienced dyslexia specialists. These sessions are heavily subsidised by ODA to keep them as affordable as possible (£15/hour) and ODA will also offer partial or full grants to students whose families struggle to pay this amount each week. In addition, we subsidise individual sessions for students whose particular needs require 1:1 tuition.
We also organise talks and conferences about different aspect of living with dyslexia.
We can also offer help with:
Full Dyslexia Assessments
''Touch-Type, Read and Spell'' - a course run by ODA
Screening for dyslexia - by ODA screeners for children or adults
ODA Saturday School tuition
For fuller information and an application form on our 'about' page.
We are always very grateful for donations of any size. Since we do not employ paid staff, we can guarantee that your donations will go straight to our projects and have a direct impact on our work with dyslexic students in Oxfordshire.
If you would like to make a donation please contact us.